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Homeowners Associations Allow Artificial Turf Installations

October 6, 2017

The role of an HOA is simple: make sure all the homes in the area meet certain aesthetic and safety standards. They want people who live there—as well as people who visit—to enjoy a pleasant atmosphere. Unfortunately, some factors aren’t easy to control. Lawns are a big problem for HOAs. That’s why many homeowners associations allow artificial turf installations. Live grass needs to be mown, watered, fertilized and reseeded. During a drought, it’s bare and patchy. In periods of heavy rain, it’s sloppy. HOAs install artificial turf to work around these problems. Synthetic grass looks perfectly green in all climates. It’s always the same length. It stays in great shape in all types of weather. This isn’t just good for association members. It’s also good for residents who don’t have time for lawn care. When HOAs install artificial turf, everybody wins.

At Watersavers Turf, we’re happy to work with HOAs looking into replacing lawns with artificial turf.

How Fake Grass Helps Homeowners Associations

Homeowners associations can have strained relations with residents. They mean well when they require everyone to meet their standards, but not everyone can make time to maintain their lawns. Sometimes local codes prevent homeowners associations from fining those who don’t practice lawn care. That said, laws throughout the country vary on this matter. To prevent conflict, homeowners associations should consider synthetic turf instead of living grass.

After all, members of the HOA want the yards in the community to look similar. Residents want to save time and money. Synthetic turf makes both parties happy. All the lawns will remain a healthy-green color throughout the year. Also, all the homeowners will see their water bills drop by a big margin.

This surface option is also a good choice for their recreation areas. Sometimes HOAs have to spend their funds to maintain these spaces. With faux grass, they can cut those expenses from their budgets.

On top of that, synthetic grass is more versatile than live grass. It’s not just useful for lawns. It’s also ideal for sports fields and dog runs. HOAs looking to attract more residents could use it to offer such amenities. People will be much more likely to buy a home in the area if they have access to these types of features.

Why Choose Artificial Grass?

Artificial grass is a better lawn option than live grass for many reasons. Again, it requires very little upkeep. On top of that, artificial grass is durable. It dries easily and stands up to wear and tear. This makes it ideal for HOAs. Imagine major storm damages all the yards in the area. Everyone will have to work hard to restore their lawns to HOA standards. With artificial grass, it’s doubtful this would ever be an issue.

Faux grass also helps the HOA appeal to a wider range of people. It’s safe for pets and doesn’t get torn up when dogs run around on it. Animal-lovers will be happy to live in a home where they can let their pets spend time on the lawn without fretting about the damage they may cause.

Families are also drawn to this option. With synthetic turf, they can install lawn padding beneath its surface. Doing so helps protects children when they’re playing in the backyard.

For residents who enjoy having guests over, faux lawns are perfect. First, they boost the curb appeal of a home. They also don’t attract insects. It’s easy to have friends and family over when you have a faux grass lawn to spend time on. You don’t have to mow your grass every time you want to throw a backyard party.

It’s also worth noting that fake grass is an eco-friendly option. You save a lot of water when you don’t need to keep a grass lawn healthy. HOAs in need of good PR can make the switch and market their “green” homes to new residents.

Drought Landscaping with Fake Turf

Drought landscaping sounds like an oxymoron. It’s very hard to keep a lawn in good shape when it’s not getting enough water. It doesn’t matter if an HOA has clear plans for how their yards should look. They simply can’t realize those plans if the weather won’t cooperate. For true drought landscaping, they must switch to an option that doesn’t need rain. Doing so makes it easier to establish and enforce lawn standards. Drought landscaping with fake turf is a particularly good idea in regions with sporadic weather patterns.

HOAs just want their homes to look good. That’s a fair goal. But it’s not easy to achieve with live grass lawns. There are too many factors that no one can control. Residents who won’t maintain their yards. Harsh weather. Pests. Droughts. Landscaping all the lawns in a community is virtually impossible with real grass. HOAs are just better off with fake turf.

Do you belong to an HOA that embraces artificial turf? If so, get in touch with Watersavers Turf. We’ll help you make the switch. Our catalog also has tools for installing and maintaining our products. We even provide free 1’ x 1’ turf samples to customers. These samples will give you a clear sense of how a certain style of turf will look and feel in your community. Pick some out, bring them to your next HOA meeting, and ask them to make the switch if they haven’t already.

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