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Artificial Grass for Playgrounds Will Bring Fun and Safety for Your Kids

July 13, 2021

We all want the best for our kids, and artificial grass for playgrounds is the answer. Kids love to play around outside and we want them to enjoy this. Sometimes, though, they can get dirty in mulch, and concrete surfaces can be dangerous. Also, grass may stain clothes and can get slippery. On the other hand, artificial grass for playgrounds is fun and safe. Faux grass drains well, minimizing slipping, and offers extra padding to absorb falls. At Watersavers Turf we are proud to carry a wide range of turf products, including artificial grass for playgrounds. 

Design Creative and Safe Playgrounds With Watersavers Turf 

Synthetic turf is a great choice for playgrounds and helps to keep kids safe. Unlike other hard surfaces, artificial grass is forgiving and soft. Further, adding lawn padding makes faux grass that much safer. As a matter of fact, Watersavers carries Polygreen Play, an awesome padding layer that absorbs impact really well and is made 100% environmentally friendly material. Overall, kids are less likely to get hurt when playing on synthetic turf. This means fewer visits to the doctor or ER. Additionally, all of our turf products are lead-free, non-toxic, eco-friendly, and do not heat up in the sun. Whether using Polygreen Play or a different lawn padding, artificial grass for playgrounds is the responsible choice. 

Kids Will Love Artificial Grass For Playgrounds

Turf is so much fun! It’s bouncy, comfortable to walk on, and never creates a mess. Faux grass also handles heavy foot traffic very well, meaning less maintenance for caregivers and more time on the playground for the kids. Also, because it absorbs impact so well, kids can play for hours and hours. And the same can be said for how it drains: so quick! Less moisture on the playing surface means fewer spills and slips, fewer bruised knees and skinned elbows. More fun all around. In sum, at Watersavers we love to see kids smile and recommend artificial grass for playgrounds so that kids can smile all the time. 

Thinking About Adding Synthetic Turf To a Playground? Let Us Know! 

Our trained staff can answer any questions related to artificial grass for playgrounds. Curious about safety or installation? Check out our turf resources page.

For inspiration, view our photo gallery stocked with all kinds of designs. 

Additionally, for your convenience we have seven Bay Area locations and offer free 1’ x 1’ turf samplesTo speak with a team member, feel free to call us toll-free at 844-974-8873.

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