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Create A Dream Pool Area With Artificial Grass

August 6, 2021

What’s better than swimming in an outdoor pool in the summertime? In our opinion, not much! Relaxing poolside is an amazing way to spend an afternoon. But, maintaining natural grass around the pool can be less fun. Therefore, we recommend introducing artificial grass around your pool. Installing artificial turf around the pool area is a breeze and provides an attractive, durable solution for years to come. At Watersavers, we love helping customers create an ideal outdoor space, and we would love to help you redesign your pool area. 

Always Attractive: Artificial Grass Around Your Outdoor Pool

Aesthetics matter, especially by the pool. Unfortunately, natural grass can become spotty and brown over the summer. Also, it can feel uncomfortable to walk on and weeds always seem to find their way into the lawn. Thankfully, there’s a simple solution: synthetic turf around your pool area. Most importantly, it looks great year-round, provides consistent and pleasing color, and never harbors weeds. As a result, your outdoor pool area will never look better. 

No-Fuss, No Maintenance — Artificial Grass Around The Pool Is The Easy Option

Sick of using fertilizer and mowing your natural grass? Tired of picking weeds? Look no further than artificial grass around your pool. Synthetic turf requires no maintenance and is easy to install. It’s also very durable and can handle heavy foot traffic. 

Consistent Drainage And Less Standing Water

Artificial grass drains very quickly, and this is particularly important around the outdoor pool. During parties, kids splash around, do cannonballs, and inevitably water slashes out of the pool. This hurts the natural grass around it and creates unsafe puddles and wet surfaces. Also, too much water for natural grass or sod is never good and may require additional maintenance. However, this doesn’t have to be the case. With artificial grass around your pool, you can have more peace of mind that your outdoor area will be in good shape. 

Clean And Safe Outdoor Pool Area, Especially For The Kids

The area around an outdoor pool can be slippery and dangerous, especially for small children. When wet, natural grass becomes slick and muddy. On the other hand, artificial grass around a pool is less slippery when wet (due to good drainage) and, most importantly, provides a safer environment for kids. Fewer trips, slips, bruises, and more fun all summer long. Also, it’s clean! Because there’s no dirt, kids and pets won’t track mud into the pool or leave dirty paw prints on indoor floors. For more info on how to maintain a clean pool area, check out our pool maintenance post.

Ready to complete an awesome pool redesign? Let us know! Watersavers has many Bay Area locations and we offer free 1’ x 1’ turf samples. Our knowledgeable team can answer any questions you may have. Call us at 844-974-8873 and be sure to ask about special offers and free estimates.

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